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Toilets Should You Have for Women:
It’s really not strange to find long queues outside female bathrooms. This tends to happen mostly at train stations, at the shopping mall or even at stadiums. People often go to the closest bathroom and this can often result in long queues at one particular station.
Experts in the UK recommend that you have a ratio of 1:1 for both male and female toilets, but this is not always attainable when you look at the large amount of urinals that are required. A report done by the RSPH has shed some light on the public toilet situation, while also highlighting the negative impact that public toilet closure has had on the UK’s public health. All of this is contributing to the queue situation, and it’s making it much more difficult for people to be able to access the bathroom when they truly need it.
If you are holding an event in the near future, whether it’s a wedding, a festival or an important corporate function, the importance of ensuring you have enough portable toilets for women is something to bear in mind. Having enough toilets for the ladies attending your event will help to keep those queues down and will also provide a more pleasant experience for all of your female guests.
Do Women Pee more than Men?
So with all of this in mind, there are some factors that you need to take into account when planning out how many male and female luxury toilet hire facilities you need for your event or construction site. Some studies have shown that women pee more than men because they have smaller bladders, but this is up for debate. Sometimes certain factors will cause women to need the bathroom more, but this is dependent on a huge range of factors, such as:
The Menstrual Cycle
By nature, women who are menstruating or who are ovulating will need to use a luxury toilet hire facility more at certain times of the month. 50% of the female population are believed to fall into this category and about a fifth of them are expected to be menstruating at any given moment. This is a very important factor to take into account when planning ladies’ portable toilets.
Interaction of Organs
It’s been argued that women tend to need the bathroom more than men because their bladder pushes against their organs, leading to more discomfort. Some experts believe that women urinate more than men because of this, but this has not been proven. Of course, most male toilet hire facilities will have way more urinals when compared to portable toilets for women. This is because people generally need to pee more versus emptying their bowels. In Germany, some luxury toilet hire facilities even have portable toilet hire urinals for females too.
How Many Ladies Portable Toilets Should You Have when Going Through a Luxury Toilet Hire Service?
As a general rule, you should have:
- One toilet for every 100 female guests
- One toilet for every 500 men
- One urinal for every 150 men
However, this rule of thumb is only recommended for events that will last up to 6 hours and which do not include food and drink.
For events that will last over 6 hours, but do not include the provision of food and drinks, you should be able to get away with 1 toilet for up to 85 female guests and a second toilet to accommodate up to 425 men.
However, if the event you are planning will last over 6 hours and will be serving food and alcohol, then it is recommended that you provide 1 ladies portable toilet for up to 75 female guests and another for up to 400 men.
If you are struggling to calculate the number of toilets you need for your event, then you can use the nifty calculator on this page to generate an estimate for you.
With all of this in mind, however, always remember that it’s best to err on the side of caution which it comes to providing portable toilets for women. If you have the space for additional facilities, perhaps add an extra toilet or two so you can rest assured that your female guests will be well catered for and will not have to deal with the usual frustrating queuing situation.
Not only will having more than enough ladies’ portable toilets guarantee a comfortable toileting experience for your guests, you may also find that your event receives very favourable reviews from the female attendees once it’s over. If you are hosting a festival or a similar event that relies on positive word of mouth, having great reviews for your toilets can help ensure people come back again next year.
The Culture of Urinals and Luxury Toilet Hire Facilities
There is a certain amount of culture that surrounds people using urinals and luxury toilet hire facilities. Urinals are normally installed in a row, so the user has a lot of options when choosing them. The issue comes when there are so many of the urinals occupied.
There’s an unspoken rule about spacing at urinals. Based on research and observation, it would appear that most users attempt to leave at least one unoccupied urinal between them so that they can minimise social contact when peeing. Some users will choose to go in the empty space because of passive-aggressiveness, friendliness or simply because they cannot hold it.
It’s not just the actual toilet use that needs to be considered, either. When it comes to portable toilets for women, particularly larger units such as our luxury toilet trailers with mirrors and waste bins under the sinks, you should bear in mind that users may linger longer than men would. This is because, when women take a bathroom break, they will often use this time as an opportunity to freshen their make-up or take care of personal hygiene. As a result, queuing times are often longer for female guests.
Your portable toilet hire service can help you to know more about urinals and how many you’ll need to hire. Your portable toilet hire provider will tell you everything you need to know about cubicles too.
Do you Need Extra Urinals or More Portable Toilets for Women?
You need to try and make sure that you are doing everything you can to get hold of a few more portable toilet hire urinals and ladies portable toilets than what you think you need. If you do this, then you will soon find that you have enough to go around and that your users are also going to be comfortable as well. This is particularly recommended if you know you will have large numbers of female guests.
Women have become used to queuing for the loo at various events, but this doesn’t mean it is acceptable. In fact, the more you do to prevent such a situation, the better. After all, no one wants to waste time waiting in line to use the loo. Ensuring an abundance of portable toilets for women is a sure-fire way to guarantee a more enjoyable experience for your guests – and they are sure to thank you for it!
However, if you are on a tight budget and want to do what you can to avoid hiring extra urinals, then it would be wise for you to try and space your urinals apart much more. When you do, you will soon find that you are able to get more use out of each urinal and that you are also able to save money.
If you need some help planning out how many urinals and ladies’ portable toilets you need for your event, then please get in touch with us at Let Loos. When you do, you will soon find that you can count on us to help you find the most suitable portable toilet hire facilities for your event, based on the guests you’re expecting. Alternatively, you can browse our full range of portable event toilets for hire on our website.